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 List of X-Men Characters

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2 posters

Posts : 27
Join date : 2009-05-26
Age : 31
Location : Hillsboro, Oregon

List of X-Men Characters Empty
PostSubject: List of X-Men Characters   List of X-Men Characters EmptyThu May 28, 2009 6:38 pm

Cyclops -
Prof. Xavier -
Storm -
Wolverine- chosenone07
Jean Grey - Rising=Sun
Gambit - Neuralyzer
Jubilee -
Rogue -
Ice Man -
Shadowcat -
Colossus -
Psylocke -
Beast -
Nightcrawler - Deroch.
Archangel -
Emma Frost -
Siryn - SirynSong
Havok - Juan-Olano
Sunfire -
Moira Mactaggert -
Magma -
Worlock -
Wolfsbane -
Forge -
Dazzler -
Longshot - Gunslinger645
Cable -
Guardian -
Vindicator -
Shaman -
Puck -
Snowbird -
Multiple Man -
Bishop -
Nathan Grey - ChinaKen
Rachel Summers- IChaos,
Emma Delauro- Faith102xLover

Apocalypse -
Arcade -
Scarlett Witch -
Quicksilver - [
Magneto -
Mystique -
Blob -
Avalanche -
Pyro -
Toad -
Sabretooth -
Shadow King -
Destiny -
Juggernaut -
Black Tom Cassidy -
Mimic - iSpyder
Polaris -
Vanisher -
Mesmero -
Deadpool - Joe-Ancherman
Callisto -
Marrow -
Sinister -
Bastion -
Joseph -
Lady Deathstrike -
Magneto -

Last edited by Suvien on Fri May 29, 2009 6:08 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Posts : 10
Join date : 2009-05-29
Age : 30
Location : Orlando, Florida.

List of X-Men Characters Empty
PostSubject: grr.   List of X-Men Characters EmptySat May 30, 2009 11:20 pm

Wheres Gabriel Summers?
Or Alex Sumers?
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