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Posts : 47
Join date : 2009-05-28
Age : 31
Location : Off with the fairies.

Changes... Empty
PostSubject: Changes...   Changes... EmptySun May 31, 2009 1:04 am

It happened again!
Sorry guys.
ChinaKen decided it was in his best interest to close the roleplay permanently.
Suvien and myself will most likely be making another roleplay.
Definitely not Marvel Universe (as that is too stressful, an unreachable goal which seemed to be the cause of ChinaKen's abrupt end) but it will probably be X-Men RP. A well constructed non nooby X-Men RP.
It should be available in the next 2 weeks.
I just want everyone to know this is no one's fault. ChinaKen was a bit inexperienced in the running of his roleplay and wouldn't let us help him in ways that would benefit the RP. At 20-years-old I think he is a little unsure of his life, running a roleplay in a teen chat site probably didn't seem too appealing. He got a bit confused in the end. As much as he denies it, we always stood by him - all we wanted was to RP, Marvel style..He actually called me a cow too. Sad
Thankyou for reading, and sorry for this..
We'll keep in touch.
Yours truly,
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